August 16, 2015

Angel Sleeps in Peace

August 14th, 2015

Last tweet from Dennisse...

You know what mas? One time, I told your fiance that I didn't want to let you go, but if God wanted you so much, then there's nothing I could do.

I always believe that God will heal you 100%.
No matter what doctor said, for God there is nothing impossible.
It's just the way God heal you is not the same as I imagine.
I imagined that you will be able to stand again.
I imagined that you will be able to work again.

But God loves you more...
Because you finally found your peace.
No more tasteless porridge to eat.
No more boredom because you stuck in hospital's bed.
and more importantly, no more pain.

So that "day" finally came, eh mas?
Even if you said "don't cry", I still cannot hold my tears in the end.
I cried not because I don’t want you to go.
I cried because we lost someone who we love so much.
I cried because you will not be here for us anymore.
I cried because I lost the greatest person I’ve ever known.

Thank you mas...
for all the good things you gave us.
for being a great friend.
for being an angel.

Rest in Peace, Dennisse Bagas Putro Valkosta (1985 - 2015)
You will always be missed.
I'll see you in another place and time.