July 14, 2017

Pengalaman Dengan Driver Curang

Ya’ahowu readers!

Mau berbagi pengalaman sedikit nih. Sejak ojek online muncul, gue merasa terbantu sekali karena bisa naik ojek dengan tarif yang cukup terjangkau. Selama gue menggunakan layanan ojek online pun, belum pernah mendapatkan pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan.

Tapi jalan ngga selamanya lurus, akhirnya gue pun merasakan hal yang tidak menyenangkan hai. Jadi semalam (13 Juli 2017), gue tiba di Stasiun Kranji sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB. Dari situ gue bermaksud pulang ke rumah menggunakan GO-RIDE by GO-JEK. Gue pun order dengan pembayaran menggunakan GO-PAY, dan mendapatkan driver yang bernama Bima Briyan Effendy.

Lalu gue menunggu di tempat. Selama beberapa menit, gue lihat di aplikasi, sang driver ngga bergerak-gerak dari tempatnya. Gue berpikir mungkin koneksi internet gue kali ya yang lagi error. Gue pun me-minimize aplikasi dengan ekspektasi si driver akan menghubungi gue kalau sudah sampai. Setelah gue tunggu beberapa menit, driver ngga juga menghubungi gue. Gue buka aplikasi lagi untuk lihat posisi dia dimana. Ternyata posisinya sudah sampai! Celingukanlah gue mencari-cari si driver yang teteup ngga ketemu juga. Gue telepon si driver namun ngga dijawab-jawab dong! (#posesip). Gue cek aplikasi lagi, posisinya dia sudah melewati gue dan statusnya ON THE WAY WITH YOU (see picture above).

What the heck?
Perasaan gue ngga enak..

Gue pernah dengar tentang driver-driver yang suka curang kalau kita bayar dengan kredit, dan akhirnya gue mengalami sendiri 😱. Si driver ini seolah-olah sudah pick up gue dan on the way to lokasi tujuan supaya dia tetap dapat upah tanpa harus mengantar gue. Damn!

Gue berusaha untuk cancel tapi ternyata ngga bisa. Kebetulan ada driver GO-JEK lainnya di sekitar situ.
Gue ceritakan apa yang terjadi, dan dia langsung bilang “laporin saja mas ke customer service.”. Driver tersebut pun ngasih nomor customer service GO-JEK yang langsung gue hubungi. Gue coba hubungi tapi ngga nyambung. Akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk hubungi kalau sudah di rumah.
Ngga lama kemudian, ada report dari aplikasi kalau si driver sudah mengantar sampai tujuan. Tanpa mikir-mikir, langsung gue kasih bintang satu dan gue tulis apa alasannya.

Setelah itu, gue order lagi dengan aplikasi dan pembayaran yang sama. Dapatlah driver dan akhirnya diantar sampai ke rumah. Sampai rumah, langsung gue telepon customer servicenya GO-JEK dan diproses lah sama team customer service. Awalnya gue kira akan ribet prosesnya, ternyata gampang banget dan responsive pula orang-orang customer servicenya. Gue complain sekitar jam 23.45. Mereka bilang akan diproses dan diganti GO-PAY gue yang diambil driver curang itu. Setelah itu gue tidur dan jam setengah 6 pagi ada e-mail masuk dari GO-JEK yang menyatakan bahwa GO-PAY gue sudah diganti dan driver bersangkutan akan diberi sanksi dari mereka. I cannot lie that I am very satisfied with their job. Responsive, quick, and very helpful. Keep up the good work Team GO-JEK!

Best regards,

July 11, 2017

Good Luck My Friends

Ya’ahowu readers!

A few days ago, I was thinking maybe I should write some of my life stories here. Somehow I need to share and release my feelings, either to friends, animals, or people who don’t care about my life 😁.

So currently I work in an office in Jakarta. I started on February. Yeah I know (and so do my close friends), I’m not the type of person who can work in office.

(conversation between me and my other personalities)
2nd Persona        : Why?
Me           : Because it’s boring. And stiff. It’s like a place where I work around Dementors.
2nd Persona        : Then why are you working there?
Me                    : I have to. I mean, my parents want me to.
2nd Persona        : Why are you listening to your parents?
Me                    : Because they are my parents?
2nd Persona        : How is that a reason?
Me                    : Well, if you’re an Asian. Your parents rule your life.
2nd Persona        : So you’re telling me that you are your parents’ puppet?
Me                    : Shut up.

For me, it’s so hard to work in an office. I worked in some offices few times but it didn’t last more than a week. I prefer live in a room with a cockroach rather than work in an office (kidding! Cockroaches are the worst!). I found it’s hard to connect with people in offices. They are so formal I barely understand their languages and jokes.

In this new office, I had to struggle with all the things that I dislike. I had no friends, I rarely laughed, I was so sleepy all the time. I felt like I was a combination of Tin Woodman and Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. It all changed a month after I worked there (yes I know, it’s a miracle that I could survive a month). I finally met some people whom eventually will be my friends. They knew I was an English teacher once, so they wanted to study English with me. In short, from our meetings, we often hang out together after and share our stories. They are nice people. Because of them, I find a reason why I should continue to come to office.

It all went well until one of my friends decided to resign from this office. No words can describe how I feel. Sad and upset, yet I also feel happy for him. Call me excessive, but he’s like a brother for me, one of the nicest persons I’ve met. Though I know one day he’ll resign, I didn’t expect this quick. On the bright side, he’ll find a better job in the new place. He needs this. All I can do is support him.

Actually, the others also plan to resign. Which make me think, I’ll be the last person who stays in this office. I’m happy for you guys. I say that from the bottom of my heart. Good luck to all of you.